

Synchronizing diversity in clinical trials

With the importance of diversity, equity and inclusion, and FDA guidance to increase participation from underrepresented racial and ethnic populations in clinical trials, HealthVerity is releasing enhancements to its nationally-syndicated Provider Diversity Index (PDI) that was first introduced in 2020. The first-of-its-kind report leverages the nation’s largest healthcare and consumer data ecosystem to calculate the racial diversity of patients for over 1 million physicians and serves as a HIPAA-compliant guide for discovering optimal clinical investigators treating more diverse populations.

Watch this webinar to:

  • Learn about the new enhancements, including age, gender, income, payer type and diagnosis code, all delivered in a privacy-protected manner
  • Understand how the enhancements can change the trajectory of your patient diversity efforts
  • Explore how you can leverage PDI to better understand the potential of your disease-specific patients of interest